the lovely life of a check out chick

first day back at school today. also the first day of my last year of school. to say the least, it wasnt at all exciting. actually, it was rather boring. the hallowed halls of wyndham college are filled to the brim with squeaky clean year eleveners who are always in the way. ive only met about a handful of them, and theyre rather lovely, but the others just continuosly irritate me.

i had work as well, which was inconvenient for me, because its currently 40 degrees celsius outside and about 30 degrees celsius inside, and im a sweaty sweaty mess about 40% of the time. its not pleasant, not at all. i also wanted to spend some quality time with the canines today, but it was just too hot, and i only had a mere three hours to snooz before work. said canines are absolutely gorgeous. (see below) theres arnold, the loveable bulldog. its rather scary when hes happy to see you, coz he can literally knock you over with one jump. then theres tyson, the mini foxie who thinks hes part of the mafia. hes such a meanie, and constantly bites and growls at arnold, but hes a little munchkin to me, and thats all that matters.

jesus, the mothership is calling me. must run. til next time... i promise my post will be much lovelier next time. scouts honour.

oh, and ig ot paid today! shopping tomorrow.

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